Trendspaning från Websummit 2021

Traditionsenligt bjuder GREAT på en trendspaning från Websummit i Lissabon


This year Web Summit is back as a live event, and HiQ’s Millie Gutestam, Rebecka Lannsjö and Johanna Sävelind are attending the conference in Lisbon.

Join us at our live event on November 24th and listen to them share their key takeaways from the conference. Erik-Wilhelm Graef Behm, Region Halland, will moderate the following discussion.

Web Summit is called the world’s premier tech conference and covers a wide range of topics all connected to or affected by this fast-moving digital era. Innovation, politics, design, transportation, economics and leadership, to name a few.

The seminar will be held in English and is a hybrid event. You are welcome to join remote or live at HiQ, Östra Hamngatan 24, Göteborg. Please register below.

If you want to participate remotely, please tick the box ” Jag ska delta digitalt”.


The webinar is available on the GREAT YouTube channel. 



08:30 - 09:30

Östra Hamngatan 24, Göteborg, Sverige