How to successfully navigate the business transformation journey towards services


16.00 – 17.00 How to successfully navigate the business transformation journey towards services

Through digital innovation, products in many industries are getting smarter, safer, and more sustainable. However, many initiatives focused on growing new services fail.

One of the most significant barriers to the successful rollout of new services and businesses lies inside the company. Business Transformation: how to transform the business, strategy, and organization to be fit for service.


The speakers will discuss the challenges, experiences, and tips involved in a business transformation journey that will help you navigate towards a successful new business.

  • Johanna Ternström, Vinnter AB, Service transformation leader
  • Per Adamsson, NextForward AB, Senior Advisor, Board member

17.00 – 19.00 AFTER WORK

After the presentation, we will network and enjoy drinks, snacks, and the best city view of Gothenburg from the VinnGroup terrace.



16:00 - 17:00

VinnGroup, Kvarnbergsgatan, Göteborg, Sverige

Streamat: Nej

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